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Thread: Are you a sheep?

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    Are you a sheep?

    Name:  sheep.jpg
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Size:  27.8 KBIn my book1 I relate how, as young lads at boarding school, we all claimed to be having sex during which process the girl would faint at the moment of penetration, whilst emitting a huge sigh of unbearable pleasure and surrender. These claims were shared with general enthusiasm, contributing to social bonding, comradeship and friendship. Some even paid others a fag or two for their "secret" as to how to make a girl succumb more spectacularly!
    The reality was very different. No one was having sex. The claims about penetration and girls fainting were fatuous rubbish!
    However, no one placed these claims in dispute. They were accepted as truth. Acceptance was as natural and easy as breathing.
    Why? Why was fatuous rubbish and monstrous lies accepted without dispute in our group? The answer is very simple. Human beings are "social animals". It is by bonding, cooperation and pulling together that we have achieved dominance over all other creatures on the planet. Psychologically we need to feel loved and accepted. We love the feeling of "belonging". To disagree with others is to risk rejection. To disagree with a dominant group is to invite being marginalized, even ostracized. So we are "hot wired" to have a "herd mentality".
    At school the older boys, at 17 years+ age, were of sexual maturity. It was natural for them to have a need for sex. Since sex was simply not available at a Roman Catholic school they simply invented a false reality. Having no experience of sex fertile imaginations filled in the gaps in a way that flattered their egos. Since they were the dominant group, what they put out was accepted as truth and promulgated by the rest of us --- unthinkingly --- because a herd mentality and the need to belong are natural to human beings.
    In his classic work “Animal Farm”, George Orwell quite spectacularly portrayed how the views of a dominant group become the norm for the rest. Because the rest accept and propagate these views “unthinkingly”, he rightly portrayed them as sheep. Sheep do not think for themselves. They simply follow whoever is leading. They are concerned only to be part of the herd. They have a herd mentality. Just one sheep dog can drive a whole herd of a hundred sheep in whatever direction it chooses.
    How right George Orwell was!! Really! We see this phenomenon repeat itself amongst humans with incredible regularity. Consider how the 3rd Reich used it with the German people resulting in the Holocaust. White folk in Zimbabwe individually were the very best I have encountered. In my book I relate as to how some of them gave up time with their own families to come and give us an incredibly happy first Xmas party at the children’s Home I was in. However, as a group, they supported and followed Ian Smith on a course of sheer madness. The apartheid system, a most extreme form of social injustice, was perpetrated on account of otherwise very intelligent White people acting as sheep.
    We have had some spectacular examples in our recent history in South Africa. Not one ANC Member of Parliament voted against the banning of the Scorpions even though 84% of ordinary South Africans were against it! We saw the same phenomenon recently when all the Black ANC members voted to support the now internationally infamous Protection of State Information Bill. There are countless examples here and in other parts of the World.
    What amazes me about these folk is that surely they know that this is the age of information and that their children and successors will come to know of the grotesquely unprincipled way in which they have acted? Do they feel no shame? Do they feel no compunction about bringing shame and disgrace on their pedigree?
    So each of us needs to ask ourselves a question, and ask it repeatedly. “Am I now acting as a sheep? Have I consciously, or even subconsciously, stopped thinking for myself and simply following the herd? Have I conveniently suppressed my ability to distinguish right from wrong in order not to lose my place in the herd? Am I now a sheep?”
    A very good example is the issue of gay and lesbian rights. People in the anti gay/lesbian camp simply refuse to accept the reality that gays and lesbians are the way they are on account of the same natural phenomenon that made them “straight”, or White, or Ndebele, or Tswana …. over which no one has any control! What you are at the moment of birth is not in your hands. Typically they start off by putting themselves in the “traditional” or “African culture” camp and postulate all arguments in terms of the camp beliefs – not in terms of reason --- just as we believed the rubbish on sex as naïve school boys. I even had a friend in Namibia who candidly admitted that he and others routinely had sex with sheep and goats during puberty. However he was totally against gay and lesbian rights. He based his opposition on "African culture".
    So too as regards politics. Most folk simply support the actions of the leaders of whatever political party they are in, or have decided to support, regardless of how wrong those actions may be. They consciously decide to abandon truth, and what is right, so as to ensure that they remain in their favourite herd. It gets worse. They will even set upon those who disagree, hound and persecute them just as dogs were set upon anyone seen as dissenting on Animal Farm. How many times has Archbishop Desmond Tutu been set upon and insulted for daring to simply disagree with the ANC herd and say - “on this occasion, you are wrong”.
    Politicians, of course, take full advantage of this, just as the pigs did on Animal Farm. They rely heavily on the fact that their supporters will act as sheep and simply bleat “baaa … baaa … baaa … “ whatever they do or say. They demand that people should not think for themselves but simply accept whatever “the leadership” has cooked up. An extreme example is North Korea where the leader is institutionalized as a living God and the populace is denied the right to think at all! To a lesser extent Gadaffi, who so many of us sheep revered, was also trying this on a huge scale in Libya with his "Green Book".
    If we perform an analyses of failed states we find that, in most cases, the failure became guaranteed once the populace behaved like sheep and put all its faith in leadership. We do not have to look far on this one! I also think that it is a sin to voluntarily forego your intellect, the most precious of gifts we have, that distinguishes us from other creatures. Hence my motto - "cogito, ergo sum".
    So, with respect, you need to always ask yourself – “am I a sheep.? Am I unknowingly following a herd? Worse still, am I knowingly doing what is wrong just so that I can stay in the herd? Am I accepting fatuous rubbish and monstrous lies?
    Am I a sheep?”

    Postscript ----
    There’s an annual contest at the University of Arkansas calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term. This year’s term was: “Political Correctness.”
    The winning student wrote:“Political correctness is a doctrine — fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rapidly promoted by mainstream media — which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end.”
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    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Excellent post Chris. This is the reason why I have started doubting democracy. I believe in democracy, but it can never be a one-fits all solution.

    Some countries are just not mature enough to implement democracy. For democracy to work, the populace have to understand the principles of democracy and not follow a party or "leader" blindly. There are many examples of flawed democracies all over the world. People are suffering, sometimes being unable to feed their families, but they still support the so called leaders who are living in luxury.

    I therefore have adopted the somewhat flawed principle of never voting any one into power, but to always support the opposition to create a balance.
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    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blurock View Post
    I therefore have adopted the somewhat flawed principle of never voting any one into power, but to always support the opposition to create a balance.
    I couldn't agree more, once the opposition get into power, keep voting for the opposition.

    I try explain it to my staff as follows if everybody bought at Checkers eventually OK, PnP, Spar, Boxer etc, would go out of business, then what stops Checkers from charging what they want?
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    ChrisNG53 (25-Apr-12)

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    Quote Originally Posted by wynn View Post
    I couldn't agree more, once the opposition get into power, keep voting for the opposition.
    Thanks guys. So you are definitely not sheep. But what name should we attach to those who will always vote for the opposition? What about "goat". A goat just loves to head butt whoever is in front. I love it. I prefer to be a goat. Wonderfull!

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  8. #5
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    I would not like to be called a goat. Hard headed, headbutting, horny creature.

    What about libertarian? A libertarian stands for liberty and freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of association and a free economy.

    Vote politicians out of power, not into power.
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  9. #6
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    People will see what they want to see, they will hear what they want to hear. They will talk crap and lie because the situation demands it. Fact is none of us are different. A homosexual can just as easily have a normal sexual orientation as a normal person can pretend to be homosexual. Fact is nothing is written in stone and we tend to forget that, that the difference between a hero, a coward and a monster are our choices.

    An evil person can in a moment protect innocence just as easily as a good person can destroy a life. We are all capable to do whatever our enabler "our minds" tells us to do. So are we sheep or just susceptible to a mob mentality?
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  10. #7
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    Ja ja...


    We are born into a world of rules. You are taught to follow rules from day one, when to sleep, when to eat. You go to school and learn whatever is taught, you do as you're told and you are expected not to disagree. You are taught to follow a particular religious docterine, not to question the law but to accept it. You don'tdrive faster than 120 kph and you don't con the tax man because that would be breaking the law.

    But when it comes to politics it supposed to be different, you are expected to think for yourself and not be a sheep...the problem is that you are taught to follow society and its rules all your life and now you are expected to think differently. The point that I am making is it is easier said than done because our society is geared to creating robots.

    The problem is that we define sheep as the 'other ones' who follow their leaders. What about the average American, isn't he a sheep for following his leaders into battle. Some would say that the leaders contrived the enemy and that the masses lapped the con up.

    The problem with democracy is that those that are best at influencing the masses get to rule, i.e. decide how the game gets to be played. The game is not about leadership or the good of the nation, the game is power and control.

    So the question is this; how do we teach young people to think for themselves if we force our social, political and even religious views on them. When they are young and don't act like sheep then they are 'trouble makers, hardasses, difficult'.

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    ChrisNG53 (25-Apr-12)

  12. #8
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    So the question is this; how do we teach young people to think for themselves if we force our social, political and even religious views on them. When they are young and don't act like sheep then they are 'trouble makers, hardasses, difficult'.
    We teach them values. With the right values they will know what to do in a difficult situation, but they will still have their own choice of accepting those values.

    We all know the difference between what is wrong and what is right, we just need to tune in.
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  13. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    We are born into a world of rules. You are taught to follow rules from day one, when to sleep, when to eat. You go to school and learn whatever is taught, you do as you're told and you are expected not to disagree. You are taught to follow a particular religious docterine, not to question the law but to accept it. You don'tdrive faster than 120 kph and you don't con the tax man because that would be breaking the law.

    But when it comes to politics it supposed to be different, you are expected to think for yourself and not be a sheep...the problem is that you are taught to follow society and its rules all your life and now you are expected to think differently. The point that I am making is it is easier said than done because our society is geared to creating robots.
    Ultimately that makes an interesting argument as to why the voting age shouldn't be set too low.

    My thoughts turned to paradigms and where free thinking comes from.

    As you say, it's inevitable that our earliest paradigms during our formative years are pretty narrow; a reflection of th emore dominant folk around us.
    I suggest it's only when we start getting exposed to alternative paradigms that we start having to make our own choices.
    From there it's probably only once we've experienced a few instances where our own paradigm was actually wrong that we start heading into the territory of true free thinking - where we start routinely questioning what is presented to us as "unquestionable truth" before we accept it.

    It's not something that's going to happen without building up a base of different experiences...
    Last edited by Dave A; 11-Mar-12 at 08:28 AM. Reason: typo

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  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blurock View Post
    We all know the difference between what is wrong and what is right, we just need to tune in.
    I do not believe this for one moment. What is right and wrong for a Christian may not be the same for a Moslem. What about having 6 wives and 21 children or gay marriage or abortion or war or euthinasia etc

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