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Thread: South African network marketing opportunities

  1. #1
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    South African network marketing opportunities

    Hi, My name is Theuns Serfontein, Im living in Parys and Im a network marketer by profession. I really look forward to interacting with ye all here as this forum seems to have alot of intelligent people
    See Ye At The Top!Talk Soon

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Chatmaster's Avatar
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    Hi Theuns

    Welcome to the forum! When you say Network Marketer, do you mean MLM?
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
    Roelof Vermeulen| Rock flaps south africa

  3. #3
    Silver Member Eugene's Avatar
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    Hi Theuns and welcome. Must say in all honesty that when thinking of "network marketing" the word pyramid scheme, coalin mines, vrot milk scheme comes to mind, but maybe you can change many of our minds in putting forth the genuine network marketing opportunities out there.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chatmaster View Post
    Hi Theuns

    Welcome to the forum! When you say Network Marketer, do you mean MLM?
    Hi Eugen
    Yes i meen MLM, i was in "JOB" for 18 years,I start networking 10 years ago.
    My firsr network i join was the old "Golden produks" that was and is still a good comp. but it was not for me i try my best but did not win cos i was still a chiken in MLM that years.
    I did had a pasion to help People but i was not good in selling to custemers so i quit Golden.The Sececret is you have to find a MLM that works for you and after 10 years i finaly find the one that work for me,and after 4 month i was able to leaf my " JOB " and go full time into MLM.
    I beleaf you know how Robert Kiosaki and Donalt Trump is ,well they are sucsesfull persons dont you think so to? They wrote a book together in witch they spend a holle chapter on MLM and Robert also state that is he could start all over he wil start with MLM.So now if you wander why he make a statmend like that let me give you the answer to it ,with MLM you dont need money to make money (the tipe of SA thiking patten).

    I Know of MLM net works where you can start with R125 and some where you need to put down R9,000.00 to start.Now i ask me self If sucsesfull People say that what is our problem that we dont want to do what they say.The founder of mobile oil John Paul Getty one's say " I rather to 1% of 100 People than 100% of my own" and that is 100% that MLM is ZiG Zigler one said "You Can have what you whant in life if you help inuf other people to get what you whant in life".I belaef in personel defelopment and that is why i love to read books about that.If you go to my URL you will see where i get most of my info and why i belong to that site.

    Let me quikly KILL the "PIRAMID" Bug 95% of all people on the age of 65 is dead or dead broke, Why ?cose they was a frade of taking risk's (This is one of the biggest regrets on deth beds of averege person).I S.A when people here the sentens from his Friend ,"YOU MUST GET 3 PERSON AND THEY MUST GET 3 PERSOND AND THEN YOU GET MONEY FOR THAT " 99% of the time the reply he get is, that is a PIRAMID SCEEM!!!!!!! stay out of that.The person that say that dont know what the difrens is between a PILAMID and a MLM network is.

    Let me Piont out what is i PIRAMID and what is a MLM and then and exel on tha PIRAMID and sow every one that we do get legal PIRAMIDS allso. OK 1)in a un legal piramid the person on top get almost all the money but in a MLM te person that work the hardest get the most money for exampel my upline in my ofline MLM become the second lages urner in our company after his 4th mounth and he join 4 mounth a go and the compani is 2jr old ( HU!) is that a piramid or a "=" opertunery for all? 2) a piramid have no produk or it never stop at surten levil All MLM networks do have a levile where it stop.My of line MLM Stop at the 4th levil 3)No Piramid whas investigate by the "whatch dog" of the guverment my MLM was investigate by tha Whatch dog" namely the "Law Review Project".I can go on an on,on but wil stop hear for now. Let me just Explain a Leagle Piramid let me shoch some people may be and if i do sorry for that but the fact is every Copret biz is a piramid but it is legal cos there is a produk so anny groser store is one, now tell me can the person that work at the till get more monney than the owner of the supermaket ? no he can't, can a police konstabil get more pay than the genarel NO !!!! to make is simpel a other word for a Piramid is (A STRUCTER ) so i hope i answer all the questions, and if there is still Q's on Pisamids VS MLM pleas ask me?

  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I see someone asked a question and then deleted it. And it was a relevant question I reckon.

    Theuns - maybe if you could explain what residual income is.

  6. #6
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    MLM's as we all most know pay out a "commission" over multiple levels. People that you personally didn't introduce can generate you income for the duration of them purchasing these products. So in other words every person that you introduce to the products and they purchase them over a period of time becomes residual income for you.

    In the online marketing environment you also get Affiliate programs that makes use of a similar concept successfully. Multiple Tier affiliate programs has generated passive income for many people in the past and still is.

    I have myself joined Golden Products, Sporttron and a couple of others over the years. It didn't work for me at all. To much hard work for to little profit. I have learned not to rely to much on other people to make me money though.
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
    Roelof Vermeulen| Rock flaps south africa

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Maybe we should start a list of all the known South African MLM companies. When I started this forum in the beginning I was also toying around a discussion on the different reward structures.

    When I was investigating starting The Forum SA, I'd been warned that open forums tend to get hit with plenty of MLM approach posts. I thought I might pre-empt any issues around that by having a specific area for MLM discussion - and hopefully a reasonably mature discussion as opposed to the strongly polarised stuff I'd seen elsewhere. Funny thing - not that much been said so far.

    How many folks round here have ever done anything with MLM before? (sticks my own hand up - or would that be 2 hands).

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    Yes you need People that use the produk them self and if they don't use or sell you dont get enny thing.
    The 2 companys i am part of is great cos you just us it and your membership pays out the bonuses the one produk is CD's & DVD about personel development and the second one you make a donasion to the charty of you choice.and the nice thing is if you do it right you only pay it one's.

    In two years time we did give already over R3.6 milj to welfare and charety .

    I agree in every 'JOB' or company you get people that work hard and also one that dont like in the police a kapt get a kapt salery if you work hard or not the salery isthe same.

    In MLM the diverens is if you work hard you get high commisions or biger than your upline but you get down line's that do not work had then you just find new down line's that is how MLM is working and it is working for me,As Kiosaki say its not for all but if you have the know how its for you.
    Last edited by Theuns"; 06-Aug-07 at 04:58 PM. Reason: Spelling

  9. #9
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    Let me explain whar Residual income is

    For Exampel you have 2 houses the one you stay in the other you rental out , the rentals pay you rent and let say there rent is bigger than your sort fall on your bond then you are sitting with money what you did not wotk for, that is what the miljers do the work smater not harder.

    Now in my MLM biz my team is almost al over SA and i am not there with every one that is in my team but a lot of them are doing the biz, and it is working for them so why will i stop them to work if the are getting comision's?

    So that is residual income to.

    In Short it is money working for you will you are sleeping or when you are not there every momend.If i past away my biz do not stop so i leaf a inheredens (nalatingskap) for my children and that is one of the 12 pillers of succes.
    Last edited by Theuns"; 06-Aug-07 at 05:14 PM. Reason: Gramer

  10. #10
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    A thought occurred. There is a fair amount of info and discussion on the web about MLM - but I wonder how much there is in Afrikaans.

    Miskien 'n nuwe draad - MLM in Afrikaans of so iets.

    (Jammer vir die swak Afrikaans - Ek's a soutie van Natal en kry bra min kans om my Afrikaans te oefen).

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