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Thread: Email Marketing

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Email Marketing

    Are there any experts in this field who could advise me on what the best method would be to get a good response on targeted email offers.

    General comments on the principles would be a good start and benefit all.

    I am happy do pay for advice given, if someone can wet my appetite.

  2. #2
    Silver Member Vincent's Avatar
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    I'm not an expert in the field of email marketing, but for starters I do have two ebooks that you can download from my website. They are, "10 steps to email marketing Success," and "Essential guide to email marketing."

    Hope they help.
    Vincent Marino
    Maximising the sales value of your business!

    Business 24-Seven |MyBlog Twitter |facebook |Phat feesh & chips

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Hi Vincent,
    Thanks for that. I was getting confused and thought your website was another. (got too many site that I am trying to remember) Your site looks good and with valuable info, so I will provide a link to your site from mine.

  4. #4
    Full Member Ann Williams's Avatar
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    Wink E-mail marketing course

    Hi Ryss

    I am giving my next practical course on e-mail marketing (half-day) in Centurion on 7th February.

    I designed this course (one of my most popular offerings) as there is so much on e-mail marketing coming out of the USA, yet much of which is not relevant to the South African scenario.

    There are many differences (particularly that we just won't read the loooong e-mails that the Americans will lap up.) Our legislation about e-mailing is also very different.

    So we take many of the great suggestions of the US gurus, and put them into a South African context. I also include a lot of my experiences with e-mail marketing (which is my main form of marketing); and tell you how to get results as well as what pitfalls to watch out for.

    Have a look here for more details:
    Marketing workshop

    I will also hopefully be coming down to Cape Town to do this course within the next few months, so will contact you once arrangements have been made.

    Last edited by Dave A; 25-Jul-08 at 09:31 PM. Reason: clean up URL

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Chatmaster's Avatar
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    Ryss, I agree with the post that Ann has made, but I see you are based in Cape Town and likely to far from Pretoria to attend her course, which btw I would recommend anyone to do. Therefore I would quickly try to give you a few pointers.

    Email Marketing crash course


    Carefully aimed arrow

    I cannot place enough emphasis on target marketing when it comes to online marketing. You need to understand your market to prepare the content for maximum conversions. Therefore it is highly recommended that you have a proper SMO strategy in place in order to obtain the best possible demographics of your recipients. This can be done with datamining on your site and during signup.

    If you do not have demographics it is fine but your conversion rate drop dramatically.

    Having a good understanding of your target market will ensure that you understand the needs and interests of your target market when you write your email.

    From Field

    Avoid using just an email address in the from line. Rather make use of a descriptive personal name, e.g. company name or company name + description. This also depends on how the person is familiar with you. If it is on a personal name basis, then use your personal name, however if it is company avoid using your personal name. SPAM has programmed people to look at the From address and immediately decide if the mail is SPAM or not. In other words use a familiar name for the From field.

    Subject Line

    By far the most important field. It will make the difference between your email being viewed or deleted. Ensure that the subject has a personal tone from the receiver’s perspective. It can be descriptive regarding your intention but it depends on the purpose of the mail. A personal, relaxed email is much more effective and it starts with the subject line. Teasers can also be effective but avoid the word FREE and uppercase characters.

    To Field

    Try to use the proper name and avoid impersonal email addresses. Make the person feel it is addressed to them.


    If you know the name of the person use it here. E.g. Dear Jack, Hello Jack, Good morning Jack. Avoid the use of Hi unless you are very familiar with the receiver and use use the surname if you are not at all familiar with them.

    First paragraph

    An email’s first paragraph should be short and to the point. It will determine if the reader will continue reading or simply delete. I am not a supporter of sales letters as I have seen to many being deleted, rather use an informal way to promote your objective. Sales letters with Headings that sell, works in printed media not electronic media. Do not SHOUT!!! People hate being shouted at. If they reached your first paragraph they are already reading. Use headings but once again, don’t SHOUT!! The first sentence is a break point between delete and continued reading. Give it a lot of thought and think about what they want to see. Again keep it informal, to the point and short.


    If the reader reached your content part of the mail, it means there is interest in your objective. Now provide more information with links to your website. Do not write all the information, just enough to generate interest for a click through. Remember a email conversion = click through. Use bullets for points that matters, but keep information to the minimum although you shouldn’t be to concerned about length here it is more a case of once again getting a click through. Again keep the conversation flowing. Include a call to action.

    Last paragraph

    If the reader stuck through to the last paragraph it means you haven’t converted them yet. This also means it is your last opportunity to convert them. Try to have some solid and attractive conversion sentences here. Include a call to action.


    A signature is essential. Make it personal but include all contact information here. This should probably be the most formal part of the email.

    Landing page

    The landing page for an email is the crucial part of the whole process. Have a topic related page specifically designed for the email. This page is the final conversion point. Just a warning. DO NOT design a complete new page, design a page within your site’s framework. A lot of people make the mistake of designing sole standing splash pages that are separate from the rest of the site. People want to know more about you and they will want to click through to other parts of your website.


    Utilize some kind of tracking for your website. Even if it is just by including a 1x1px image that reads from your site. If you do not have tracking, you have no idea of how successful the campaign is, or how to improve on previous campaigns.


    Include an unsubscribe functionality.

    Testing your emails

    Check spelling.
    Check all links
    Test the email in both HTML and text format

    Absolute no, no’s

    Do not use a Yahoo or Gmail account to send the mail.
    Do not use small fonts. Keep font size to 10pt max 12pt
    Avoid upper case
    Use exclamation marks sparingly
    Keep paragraphs short and to the point.
    Do not send advertising
    Avoid using to many images. Specifically, do not use all image emails! When using an image include the alt tags with an appropriate description.

    Ryss, this was written of the top of my head. I seriously suggest you reading more on the subject or attend a course at least. Email marketing is by far the most important marketing strategy any business can employ to utilize as acquisitions, retention and conversion method. There are also legal issues you need to be aware of.
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
    Roelof Vermeulen| Rock flaps south africa

  6. #6
    New Member thebanman's Avatar
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    Hi Ryss,

    Just wanted to know if you are marketing to a list of "opt-in" email addresses.


  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for the feedback.

    All makes very good sense.

    The matketing I need to do is to a list that I have complied and where I need advice the potential client of a service that I am offering.

  8. #8
    Email problem
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    There are a lot of good email marketing programs available that you can use to send personalized emails.

    So your emails say 'Dear Joe', instead of just 'Hi'. That makes a huge difference.

    If I receive an unsolicited email that is not addressed to me specifically, I just hit delete without reading further.

    I hope you are using a database of people/emails that have 'opted-in'... Spamming has a VERY low return.

  9. #9
    Gold Member
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    Hi All
    What do you guys consider a good return on mail shots?


    From reception to management training, assertiveness, accountability or interviewing skills, we have a wide range of training workshops available for you!

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  10. #10
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Click throughs or actual conversions to a sale, Debbie?

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