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Thread: Advice from IT guys

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Given what I've seen among adults on the topic, can you imagine the playground "debates" between the kids about the merits of the different brands and operating systems...
    Dave the school tried to dictate to parents on buying just one type of device to avoid the perceived status device, but as you can imagine the school was blasted for dictating, especially so as my personal parent network suggest that they not happy to go digital and some are even leaving the school. Finance department for the first time issued a email reminding parents of the terms notice to witthdraw their child from school. I suspect there may have been several requests to leave for greener pastures.

  2. #12
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    I see a school in Australia has reverted to text books.
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Given what I've seen among adults on the topic, can you imagine the playground "debates" between the kids about the merits of the different brands and operating systems...
    Its absolutely horrendous - Remember that all kids have cellphones. I clearly remember all the nonsense when my two daughters were at school. There was the Apple fan-girls and the plebs - my youngest daughter eventually got the Apple phone that she dreamed of which she kept for less than a year and went back to Huawei. No iTunes, No iCloud, No pay extra for space, no silly cables, no dongles, no special silly nonsense.

    Look - Each to his own - I personally have a terrible aversion to them because I despise the way they operate their business and I also despise the fanboy nonsense. They are exactly the same as car companies that refuse the others the right to repair and then charge them 10 000 x for their "OEM" Brembo brake pad packed in their special box.

    Their parts are mostly made by Samsung yet they block all forms of after market repair. They force people to buy new devices by declaring then unrepairable although it has been proved over and over that the devices can easily be repaired. I am happy to show you hundreds of instances where they have/ do screw their customers over.

    I enjoy being able to go to the PC shop and select each component and build exactly what I want. If the screen card fails I buy another and replace it. I dislike the notion that only the OEM can repair or alter the "sealed black box" because I know from experience that once this is the case the OEM makes up whatever nonsense stories they want. I understand that the man in the street doesn't always want to be able to do this but I also feel that if my Samsung screen breaks that I want to be able to select my repair agent. I smashed my Samsung tablet screen about a month ago - my wife is bringing me a new screen from the UK and I will fit it myself when I get a chance - or I can that it to the local cell shop and they can repair it for R1.6k in 45 minutes. I don't have to pay R10k and wait 3 weeks for some idiot OEM to tell me that my device is totally screwed and that I need to buy a new one.

    Another thing (Yes I am extremely well versed in the shenanigans of Apple) The entire 5G Huawei nonsense was set up by Apple and Trump. The reason - Huawei is the leader in 5G worldwide and of course there is a shedload of money in it. Apple bought Intel's 5G business which of course now has Carte Blanche to supply the US and all its cronies with 5G gear. (Remember that 5G gear goes far beyond just selling cellphones - it goes to all the underlying switchgear - Apple had to find an alternative market to cellphones because the market is practically saturated with innovation - 5G switchgear is a massive market because there is so much of it due to the range limits - lots of antennae etc)

    Anyway - I will never support Apple for many many reasons - they are truly a terrible underhanded business and they know how to hide their underhandedness through fanboy marketing.

    Look up:
    iPad Rehab
    Louis Rossmann
    CBC News
    and many more on YouTube to see exactly how terrible they are.

    Oh, and please don't think that I support Google either - I hate them just as much as I hate Facebook!!!

    Huawei MUST bring out an alternative OS so that we can dump Google / Android and their horrendous hold on the man in the street. Give me a basic phone with no tracking and a Garmin GPS - Google doesn't have to know that where I am and what I do at all times. The only way to operate in the digital world is by using fake accounts for 99% of your activities on the net.

    I sound like an old fart that is anti technology - I am not - I am anti large companies shoving their advertising and their views down my throat all the time. Thank G...D for serious ad blockers, hosts file level blocking and uBlock Origin.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanF View Post
    I see a school in Australia has reverted to text books.
    This is what I am afraid of. The kids are going to be ginnea pigs in this process and they will be the ones who suffer the consequences of a bad experiment by the school.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanF View Post
    I see a school in Australia has reverted to text books.
    IanF - You know - My eldest daughter is doing a BA in English Literature so my house is filled with books (real ones with dog ear pages)

    The problem with textbooks are as follows:
    1. They are very very heavy (my girls used to lug a very very bag around every day)
    2. They are expensive
    3. The money making buggers revise them every year so as to sell you a new version for no other reason than making money. Math hasn't changed in 100 years yet every year you have to buy a new textbook.

    University is even worse - R4,000 for books per year that go to a landfill because the publishers are in cahoots with the education institutions. Varsity College is a case in point - they must make a fortune in kickbacks.

    So, is it good to use real books for education - I don't think so - its just a money making racket.

    I suppose that I sound like a ranting old lunatic - I just hate the extreme unnecessary waste at our expense caused by institutions for their profit.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by kavesh View Post
    This is what I am afraid of. The kids are going to be ginnea pigs in this process and they will be the ones who suffer the consequences of a bad experiment by the school.
    Tablets in schools is nothing new. Many schools do it. Montessori has been doing it for many years.

    Tablets will not fix the fact that the kids are taught garbage in school in the first place. The quality of education in this country is terrible - the textbooks are terrible and some of the teachers are terrible too. The beauty of using electronic devices that kids get to take home is that hey an watch tutorials and learn interactively even when thy are at home.

  7. #17
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    IanF - You know - My eldest daughter is doing a BA in English Literature so my house is filled with books (real ones with dog ear pages)

    The problem with textbooks are as follows:
    1. They are very very heavy (my girls used to lug a very very bag around every day)
    2. They are expensive
    3. The money making buggers revise them every year so as to sell you a new version for no other reason than making money. Math hasn't changed in 100 years yet every year you have to buy a new textbook.

    University is even worse - R4,000 for books per year that go to a landfill because the publishers are in cahoots with the education institutions. Varsity College is a case in point - they must make a fortune in kickbacks.

    So, is it good to use real books for education - I don't think so - its just a money making racket.

    I suppose that I sound like a ranting old lunatic - I just hate the extreme unnecessary waste at our expense caused by institutions for their profit.
    I hear you and this is not just a problem with books. Look at software most companies are trying to convert us SAAS model. When a programme like Excel won't need updating for 99% of the users.
    But with books when you use one, you concentrate on that instead of the other 20 tabs open on your device. The closest I have seen to a proper book is a kindle but it is hard to dog ear it to the correct page with that one word you don't understand.
    I remember copying 1 chapter for my daughter of a text book because they only needed that chapter and the book smelt of a dead animal. So the rest was a waste.
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanF View Post
    I hear you and this is not just a problem with books. Look at software most companies are trying to convert us SAAS model. When a programme like Excel won't need updating for 99% of the users.
    But with books when you use one, you concentrate on that instead of the other 20 tabs open on your device. The closest I have seen to a proper book is a kindle but it is hard to dog ear it to the correct page with that one word you don't understand.
    I remember copying 1 chapter for my daughter of a text book because they only needed that chapter and the book smelt of a dead animal. So the rest was a waste.
    I dunno about this - My daughter works with 2 laptops and 3 screens - she downloads and reads hundreds of books and journals all the time. Having many tabs open when you are studying is not a function of paper vs CRT but rather of ill discipline.

  9. #19
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    Interesting that I can only reach this website via a VPN Now - Looks like my IP address got blocked....

    ...oh well... we live and learn....

  10. #20
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Interesting that I can only reach this website via a VPN Now - Looks like my IP address got blocked....
    It is extremely unlikely that this is as a result of a setting on TFSA. Try running TRACERT from the command prompt which may help identify where the problem is.

    Alternatively, if you connect via a static IP address, PM me your IP address and I'll look into it.

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