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Thread: Pastel Parner SDK, missing link between ACCPRD and ACCGRP

  1. #1
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    Pastel Parner SDK, missing link between ACCPRD and ACCGRP

    Dear Community,

    Assuming the following scenario:
    1 inventory item set up in Pastel, with:
    - Category field set as 000 - None
    - Inventory Group as 002 - Inventory Goods

    Now, when I call ACCPRD for said article, the Inventory Group information is missing. I couldn't find anywhere the value "002", just the Category "000" for said article. The reason I'm looking to retrieve the Inventory Group for it is because I want to create a Credit Note, containing that article as a GL line.
    For that, I need the GL account and the only link I could find, is through the article's Inventory Group, which is not contained in the ACCPRD columns. It seems there isn't such a column in ACCPRD, so where can this information be retrieved from?

    Also, the GLCode information is always empty.
    I thought that it might be linked somehow to the article, so that when creating a Credit Note with a GL line, the property GLCode from ACCPRD could be used to fill in the GL account.

    Any suggestions?

    Best regards,

  2. #2
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    The link between ACCPRD and ACCGRP seems to be ACCSTKST.
    Key is Product Code from ACCPRD (Product Code) -> ACCSTKST (Product Code, Store Code, Group) -> ACCGRP (Group, ...)

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