Social media, good or bad?

Back in 1982 when I started my journey as an apprentice electrician, there was no such thing as social media, electricians went to training centres for practical training and tech for the the theory. Our year was split into 3 months.

3 months tech
3 months in the training centre
3 month on site and
3 months doing camps (military, which by the way we had an option 3 months in jail or serving your country)

If you wanted to learn anything you had to read books or learn from an artisan/mentor, which limited your educations, but you learnt the important stuff.

Then social media came about, for people like myself who has over 40 years hands on experience, it has helped improve my skills to a whole new level.

However reading social media posts, has made me realize it may not be the best thing for people going into the electrical industry, too much cut and paste, to easy to get past papers and just learn past papers.

Please tell me I am wrong and the quality of electricians is improving by the day and not winning the race to the bottom.

The sad about this industry, the same teams which are dropped off on sites are hungry for knowledge, I see it all the time, they want to learn but just dont seem to get the opportunity, the boss man has no interest in improving the skills, they drop the team and off doing whatever it is they do in the day.

People ask what I would do if I won the lotto, I would close my business ( I am shyte businessman and have no interest in being the boss even though I have been doing it for more than 30 years) and go to sites everyday and just work with people who want to learn, and boy there are a lot of people out there craving for someone to teach them to improve their skills.