I need advice
I have a client who recently upgraded their old Pastel 2007 to Pastel 19 (because they needed to add more users).
The "server" seems to lose the network share permissions for the Pastel19 folder at least once a week.
The errors 2 that come up (on the "server" are (the tick for open last company used is on):
"Open a company - An error has occurred with the following details: Unable to locate one or more of the companies, this can be caused by one of the following:
- inactive mapped drive where company data is located
- company data moved or deleted
Please re-add/activate the company by selecting ' Add company from the File Open menu' " (This while companies are listed on the Open company screen)
You can select a company and you get the prompt for password - and entering a valid password the next error is: "Incorrect password"
Removing and reactivating companies; removing the share, resharing and remapping the share doesn't seem to work.
Only an uninstall and reinstall Pastel (where you tick share this folder during installation), and re-registering software works - until the next time. It's happening weekly :-(
I always right click on install files and "Run as Administrator".
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