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Thread: Asylum.

  1. #1
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    Post Asylum.

    I find that for most of us it is becoming impossible to take a break. It is always this and that. Then I find that my spirituality is also slipping away as is everything else. It is as if I cannot hold onto anything anymore.

    Our houses became voluntary prison-cells and it is mistrust all around. Even in my head I have a million worries and not a single answer to any of them. In short; I lost the plot… Dropped eggs… Then it hit me, if this is happening to me then I am most probably not alone in this mindset.

    So is it just me or are we living on a funny-farm? Nothing feels good anymore. Nothing is pure anymore. Did we lose our innocence to this monolithic society? This single track of thought that money and only money is important… A moth to an open flame.

    Change can be a good thing but right now I wonder what it is that we are changing too… The corporate ant willing and able till someone steps on you. You would think that the other ants will stop and stare but no, on they go without thought or reason.

    Anyway love to read about your point of view…

    Sleeplessly one weeps wonder and stare to where it is my mind has gone.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Work hard. Play hard. Burn out.

    Should be
    Work hard. Rest like a lizard.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Work hard. Play hard. Burn out.

    Should be
    Work hard. Rest like a lizard.

    Hard work reaps rewards but that's not all life's about. I read a while back that the problem with modern society is that we don't prioritise past work. Work is always important and we'll go to a lot of extra trouble to get things done if it's work related, but then we let everything else slide.

    I have a friend that works from seven in the morning till 12, one a.m. believing that he is investing in his future. I don't think that is true, I think it's investing in a heart attack.

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    insulin (13-May-09)

  5. #4
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    Yes I also used to work till late at night and get up early when I still worked in Johannesburg. I only earned about R4500 a month but believed that I will get proper training and things will improve. Thing is with most companies is that they will use hardworking people till they burn out and just move on to the next person. “I KNOW NOT ALL COMPANIES WORK THIS WAY” However my training never came and the company opted to go for a person that was already trained. It was more cost effective and I was dismissed. This was an important moment in my life.... Never again will I trust anyone “even if it is stated on contract” and never will I sacrifice my health its not worth it. But never feel sorry for yourself and always shop for the better job. Someone will train you and give you the opportunity and you will prove invaluable thus someday you will get where you want to be in life. Just never walk into your job believing this is as good as it’s going to get. And never ever do more then what is expected of you unless you truly belief it is worth it but even then don’t kill yourself over a job it’s simply not worth it.

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    sandras (14-May-09)

  7. #5
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    it's ironic that in most societies it's supposed to be "majority wins." however, there's always a small group of people who pull the strings and it's normally aligned towards their interests. we're just made to believe that it is actually in our interest to go with that. we "need" medical aid, insurance, put money away for a good life at the end of your life. we better put our money in the bank to get the interest and security it provides.

    we "need" the latest and greatest car that can do 0-60mph in 3 seconds. Your lover will never be yours forever unless you get this new perfume. get slim or beef up.

    the majority likes to think they're perfectly sane. I like to think that everyone is completely bonkers, and there are only a few that actually are truly sane

  8. #6
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    It is so true:-your boss never remembers the 10 things you did right,
    but never forgets the one thing you did wrong.

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    sandras (14-May-09)

  10. #7
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    @ twinscythe12332 and wynn

    I agree with both of you. We are slaves to almost every industry we look at. From mining to banking you depend on all of them financially and if they lose something you lose everything. If you don’t think money then you is an idiot!

    We are the pieces of paper that follow you from job to job and not the person you see in the mirror. Your name is: XXX your surname is: YYY and you are the paper that sits in a file and not the person working prying that one-day this slavery will end. You are right people are bonkers not to see this!

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